Tuesday, July 19, 2011

uss lexington

the uss lexington is a air craft carrier  we went  to it was amazing  you can play on the anti  air craft guns  and you can raise and lower them they have small guns huge guns  one of them that we went in was so big that the bullets are bigger than  than a nice sized rock ( it cant fire because they plugged the holes up but still has the bullets)   we went  down in the engine room  and went all the way up in the bridge it was amazing it even had a flight simulator  then we left

Saturday, July 9, 2011

our trip

we went to chorpus   Christi we went to the  aquarium  we saw  a bird show and played in a splash   town it was fun  we went back to the hotel that we  were staying in  we stayed up late watching tv  next morning we went to the uss Lexington  it was the first time i had been on an    aircraft   carrier   it was great  we went back to the hotel  and played in the pool in the morning we left

our trip

we went to chorpus   Christi we went to the  aquarium  we saw  a bird show and played in a splash   town it was fun  we went back to the hotel that we  were staying in  we stayed up late watching tv  next morning we went to the uss Lexington  it was the first time i had been on an    aircraft   carrier   it was great  we went back to the hotel  and played in the pool in the morning we left 

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I got a new mattress and its so comfortable.  i put my old mattress under my new one its pretty high up its so cool  its  a big change from my old one its eight years old  i like it so much  that i stayed in it for a long time and wouldn't come out.     

Thursday, June 23, 2011

sleep over

I went to Lances  house and we played a lot.   then we went  to the pool and dived for diving rings.  when we got back,  we stayed up till twelve a.m. when i woke up we went back to the pool. i had a lot of fun! when we got back  to lance's house  me and him ate a shaggy sandwich. then we went up in the attic.  then i watched him play lego pirates of the caribbean  on the computer then  i went home.

Friday, June 17, 2011


today i went to Ryan's and i swam in his pool then we ate  s'mores  me and  Colton  shot ryan with nerf guns  i had the vulcan nerf gun and colton had the maverick nerf gun eventually  we ran out of darts then we cleaned up all the nerf darts  and i went home.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I got a  all-terrain  armored transport (At-at) yesterday.  I got it at wal mart.  I'm going to put the legs on right now.  its my favorite star wars vehicle.